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Tap into Your Fierce & Fearless 🔥🖐

Hey Beautiful, Fierce Warriors!

🔥Sometimes you just need to fire things up to help clear the way for amazing transformation to happen.

Pancake Ollie, Simba & I have a YogaBlaast! (intro) class for You to help You tap into your Fierce & Fearless & transform! 😻😻😻🧘‍♀️

🔥Find your Fierce, Fearless, Fabulous Warrior in my unique, high-energy, fun fusion of Yoga, Martial Arts, HIIT, plyometric & isometric movements, music, and meditation! We're going to mix it up! Sun Salutations and Warrior poses are woven with sequences of kicks and punches, strengthening and conditioning moves, & balancing your muscular strength and flexibility- with a particular focus on the core. Reward yourself with a cooling Savasana finish. YogaBlaast! is dynamic and challenging, yet accessible. It offers the & mental and spiritual lift of yoga with the physical benefits of a cardiovascular and strength workout. This uplifting class will unleash your inner warrior, leaving you feeling Empowered, Energized- and Sweaty! well as Peaceful and Relaxed. And it's a great way to let go and shed excess weight- physically and mentally! (Don't worry, modifications and variations are provided so beginning through advanced YogaBlaasters will be accommodated.)

Turn your favorite music up and have some fun & bring on the Fierce & Fearless!

And let us know what you think.

XO~ Pancake, Ollie, Simba, Lauri


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